Thursday, April 24, 2014

Typical Struggles

 So as I'm on this journey, I lost fairly fast, the first 75lbs. But then its been a struggle there after. I stop, then I lost, then I stop and the funniest thing is, well some people have said or stated some peoples bodies are tend to stay at a certain weight average. UMMMM...I don't sit well with that. Do you???
 See coming off the couch and lighting my butt up and lowering my calories did the trick. I mean that was a total shock to my body. KEY WORD...shock! Well our gym had a lil challenge between us all who decided to participate. Cardio made me sweat, and lowering my calories to 13-1400 dropped the weight fast. BUT that was not the right way I was told. I was obtaining flabby skin, so even though the numbers looked great on the scale, to be naked was like ummm, well not so good. So I switched up my circuit classes and cardio to heavy lifting. SHOCKED my body.  Well yes the scale changed, it started going up :-/  TOTALLY FREAKED ME OUT!!!
  But then I started staying off the scale, and noticing my inches didn't change, or clothes didn't get tight,  but I am seeing firming. In some areas, muscle definition. Not what I was expecting truly. Because since I started this journey I've been so focused on that darn scale, not looking into how the physical appearance was making changes. That's what we ALL focus on when it comes to envying that girl who can wear whatever she wants, or guy(if you are a man). We don't say hey I bet she weighs X amount of weight. We see the physicality of the person. RIGHT? Yeah, it  opened my eyes to the change of how I was looking at what I want in this stage of my journey.
  When I started it was about the word "skinny", LOL, no really that is totally NOT what I want, I have seen fit women and that is what I aim for. I have fallen in love with strength. I am a intensity kind of gal and I love to challenge myself. I hope that when someone sees me they are like, yeah she lifts. I notice it in women. So with that, I am on the path and with time there will be more changes. I guess its just the typical struggles in going from morbidly obese to fit.

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