Friday, April 25, 2014

It's ok to be you, just for you

        Now a days so many people try to fit in. Either joining a church, a gym, ect. Then they feel they should talk a certain way, dress, ACT all in a way that they think it might help others like them better.
Let me tell ya, I was that person for many years. I became so codependent on friends and family, not truly knowing who I really was. Down to not able to make decisions alone. It was terrible!

   Taking pride in making wholesome changes in me, help create such a domino effect, in life. Sure I listened and followed some people to finding what I found fun, or what I enjoyed more. To putting forth the effort even if my gym buddy had a excuse to not go. And it seemed that more strangers approached me, friended me and it felt great! I noticed the friends and family who were around to start, were slowly diminishing. I was holding my head higher, looking forward to gym times, shopping and doing more without approvals. I found instead of negatives I had so much encouragement. I was finding a person within, that had been there all along, blooming into the world., at 36.
I feel nothing can truly change unless you start from within. Ya know I always encouraged my son, when he was a youngster to be the leader never the follower, when I was the one who followed. Now today I see so much. How this life is what we create of it.  We live in such a judge mental world, but when it comes down to it, we all want the same thing. To be accepted, loved, recognized, appreciated.

 Ya know as I've grown over the past couple of years, our family even joined a church. By friends who we thought, we knew pretty well, trusted. After attending over a years time, you witness exactly what I'm talking about. Now I'm a firm believer in our lord, but to feel you must do so much to fit in, as I'd say 80% of them did! was just heart breaking. Clicks, judging, GOSSIP oh just really was screaming insecurities all over the place, but used the word of god to ok this behavior. Needless to say, our family exited there. But I'm saying, you need to find you. No really, what makes you enjoy this life. What it takes to be the real you. It's ok, we shouldn't all be the same, like the same, dress the same. That's what makes this world amazing and unique. Beautiful as well. I promise, once you find that inner happy, you will radiate it all over and shine brightly. Life is so wonderful. Why waste it on trying to be someone else, when you are perfect the way you are <3

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