Wednesday, April 30, 2014


   So I'm making changes. I kinda fell a bit stagnant on the journey, enjoying the way I've become for a bit but now it's not so well. I have talked to so many professionals, got lots of great ideas and even applied them, but nothing hit home with more progress. Gave it good thought and I'm just resorting back to how I started from the beginning, with more knowledge, more experience.

   I'm starting by Consistency and calorie counting. I tried other apps but I resorted back to where I began with MyfitnessPal. It was just comfort zone. I remember I used to do so much cardio circuits and that worked. I went to Zumba, Turbo Kick, invested into Turbo Fire and walked on my off days. But I made something everyday of the week. To where back then I wasn't educated on rest days, cheat meals ect were truly about. I've gained the knowledge that strength training is a MUST and cardio is great, but circuit training benefits me as well.  Back when I never listened and did cardio cardio cardio. Hey we live we learn. :-)

  So starting yesterday I reopened my account with My Fitness Pal, actually went for a walk, then hit Zumba after dinner. I'm very sore today, but hey that's awesomeness for me, because I was kinda dead. Sure I'm getting stronger, lifting heavier but I just didn't feel like things were happening. Now on day 2 I truly believe this is going to work, I'm going to stay consistent, my husband is joining me  and the next several months I believe I'll achieve results. With now combining what past things that worked with knowledge I gained along the way, I should be good to go. I must stay consistent. The treats will always be there, the question is what do I want more?? Quick satisfaction or long term success....

  Sometimes ya just gotta rethink, reuse what you known and resort back to basics of what got things rolling ~ I just keep things REAL....

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