Wednesday, April 30, 2014


   So I'm making changes. I kinda fell a bit stagnant on the journey, enjoying the way I've become for a bit but now it's not so well. I have talked to so many professionals, got lots of great ideas and even applied them, but nothing hit home with more progress. Gave it good thought and I'm just resorting back to how I started from the beginning, with more knowledge, more experience.

   I'm starting by Consistency and calorie counting. I tried other apps but I resorted back to where I began with MyfitnessPal. It was just comfort zone. I remember I used to do so much cardio circuits and that worked. I went to Zumba, Turbo Kick, invested into Turbo Fire and walked on my off days. But I made something everyday of the week. To where back then I wasn't educated on rest days, cheat meals ect were truly about. I've gained the knowledge that strength training is a MUST and cardio is great, but circuit training benefits me as well.  Back when I never listened and did cardio cardio cardio. Hey we live we learn. :-)

  So starting yesterday I reopened my account with My Fitness Pal, actually went for a walk, then hit Zumba after dinner. I'm very sore today, but hey that's awesomeness for me, because I was kinda dead. Sure I'm getting stronger, lifting heavier but I just didn't feel like things were happening. Now on day 2 I truly believe this is going to work, I'm going to stay consistent, my husband is joining me  and the next several months I believe I'll achieve results. With now combining what past things that worked with knowledge I gained along the way, I should be good to go. I must stay consistent. The treats will always be there, the question is what do I want more?? Quick satisfaction or long term success....

  Sometimes ya just gotta rethink, reuse what you known and resort back to basics of what got things rolling ~ I just keep things REAL....

Monday, April 28, 2014

Who's watching??

   Who do you think is watching? What do I mean, well are you a mom? A dad? Wife? Husband? Brother? Sister? You get what I'm saying right? We set examples to even our best friends, our acquaintances . I'm must say people I don't even talk to will out of the blue, say how inspirational I am.
I've raised two children and my daughter wants to do everything I do, NOW eating the way I do. My husband went to the gym today with me and got a feel of what I do and fell in love with it. Even trying to think of a way of manipulating his schedule to fit into mine.

Listen when I began this journey, I didn't think of who to inspire, who was watching, I was solely focused on me. Is it so bad that eating healthy and fitness are my daily lifestyle? Not being sedimentary any longer, being creative to staying active during the day, each day.

If you are thinking of making changes, realize it may seem about you, but is it really? Yes generally, you are working on you and in a positive manner. In which when others see positive changes, happiness, sexiness, strengths, they are asking or watching and possibly start doing. What a beautiful way to be the change, I mean with so much destruction, in this world, the news is filled with such yuck, isn't it nice to be the change much needed and setting a example.?

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's ok to be you, just for you

        Now a days so many people try to fit in. Either joining a church, a gym, ect. Then they feel they should talk a certain way, dress, ACT all in a way that they think it might help others like them better.
Let me tell ya, I was that person for many years. I became so codependent on friends and family, not truly knowing who I really was. Down to not able to make decisions alone. It was terrible!

   Taking pride in making wholesome changes in me, help create such a domino effect, in life. Sure I listened and followed some people to finding what I found fun, or what I enjoyed more. To putting forth the effort even if my gym buddy had a excuse to not go. And it seemed that more strangers approached me, friended me and it felt great! I noticed the friends and family who were around to start, were slowly diminishing. I was holding my head higher, looking forward to gym times, shopping and doing more without approvals. I found instead of negatives I had so much encouragement. I was finding a person within, that had been there all along, blooming into the world., at 36.
I feel nothing can truly change unless you start from within. Ya know I always encouraged my son, when he was a youngster to be the leader never the follower, when I was the one who followed. Now today I see so much. How this life is what we create of it.  We live in such a judge mental world, but when it comes down to it, we all want the same thing. To be accepted, loved, recognized, appreciated.

 Ya know as I've grown over the past couple of years, our family even joined a church. By friends who we thought, we knew pretty well, trusted. After attending over a years time, you witness exactly what I'm talking about. Now I'm a firm believer in our lord, but to feel you must do so much to fit in, as I'd say 80% of them did! was just heart breaking. Clicks, judging, GOSSIP oh just really was screaming insecurities all over the place, but used the word of god to ok this behavior. Needless to say, our family exited there. But I'm saying, you need to find you. No really, what makes you enjoy this life. What it takes to be the real you. It's ok, we shouldn't all be the same, like the same, dress the same. That's what makes this world amazing and unique. Beautiful as well. I promise, once you find that inner happy, you will radiate it all over and shine brightly. Life is so wonderful. Why waste it on trying to be someone else, when you are perfect the way you are <3

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Typical Struggles

 So as I'm on this journey, I lost fairly fast, the first 75lbs. But then its been a struggle there after. I stop, then I lost, then I stop and the funniest thing is, well some people have said or stated some peoples bodies are tend to stay at a certain weight average. UMMMM...I don't sit well with that. Do you???
 See coming off the couch and lighting my butt up and lowering my calories did the trick. I mean that was a total shock to my body. KEY WORD...shock! Well our gym had a lil challenge between us all who decided to participate. Cardio made me sweat, and lowering my calories to 13-1400 dropped the weight fast. BUT that was not the right way I was told. I was obtaining flabby skin, so even though the numbers looked great on the scale, to be naked was like ummm, well not so good. So I switched up my circuit classes and cardio to heavy lifting. SHOCKED my body.  Well yes the scale changed, it started going up :-/  TOTALLY FREAKED ME OUT!!!
  But then I started staying off the scale, and noticing my inches didn't change, or clothes didn't get tight,  but I am seeing firming. In some areas, muscle definition. Not what I was expecting truly. Because since I started this journey I've been so focused on that darn scale, not looking into how the physical appearance was making changes. That's what we ALL focus on when it comes to envying that girl who can wear whatever she wants, or guy(if you are a man). We don't say hey I bet she weighs X amount of weight. We see the physicality of the person. RIGHT? Yeah, it  opened my eyes to the change of how I was looking at what I want in this stage of my journey.
  When I started it was about the word "skinny", LOL, no really that is totally NOT what I want, I have seen fit women and that is what I aim for. I have fallen in love with strength. I am a intensity kind of gal and I love to challenge myself. I hope that when someone sees me they are like, yeah she lifts. I notice it in women. So with that, I am on the path and with time there will be more changes. I guess its just the typical struggles in going from morbidly obese to fit.

Tired of Being Tired

  That's the day when, you arise off the couch, out of bed and stand tall, with shoulders back. To look at yourself in the mirror and smile. And say today is the day. Nothing nor NO ONE will stand in my way!
Even though I was scared uneducated to the whole fitness , nutrition world, I only was comforted by eating McDonalds, Wendys, or microwaved pizzas, chips, dips and cable tv, I jumped out of my comfort zone and felt empowered!! The more I went to the gym, the more people started speaking to me. The more educated I was getting. Looking up what "eating clean" was about, to apps of calorie counting. Then the gadgets that counting calories burned and the scale became my obsession. That's a whole other story.
It was time to stop looking at other women in envy, to stop thinking of how fat I was, how it was  unachievable  to reach, what I thought was beauty. But to strap on my gym shoes and go walk. Try Zumba and feel like wow this is fun, I had a fire in me of wanting more intensity. So I looked into the turbo kick class. It started to snow ball into a addiction , almost. I stayed on my counting calories, I moved at least a hr each day , started eating REAL food and saw results!
It had to start somewhere. Not when the Dr said you need to lose weight, while prescribing you HBP meds or the mean children called you fat ass, or when you shopped in plus size stores only, not trying anything on, just getting the dark and biggest size, not crying in bed day after day or even your husband/wife telling you that you can be whomever you want. It took ME to be tired of being tired.